
Landscape photography

From frozen wastes to tropical paradises: The magic of landscape photography. Spectacular images from around the world.

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  • Landscape photography,  (A)ll but ordinary,  Misc.

    Michael Adam

    Michael Adam

    Nature photographer Michael Adam will be showing photos with a focus on "weather photography" from the Ulm area. Weather photography is one of the most spectacular forms of nature photography, but also one of the most difficult. Michael Adam specialises in this type of photography and his images capture the beauty and power of weather phenomena.

  • Landscape photography,  (A)ll but ordinary

    Sveinung Wiig Andersen

    Sveinung Wiig Andersen

    Sveinung Wiix Andersen is a Norwegian photographer and nature enthusiast. He is passionate about the rugged Nordic landscape. On his countless trips to the subarctic regions, he captures the magnificent beauty and also likes to share his knowledge in online tutorials.

  • Landscape photography,  (B)especially impressive pictures

    Stefano Balma

    Stefano Balma

    Stefano Balma is a landscape photographer from Italy. He first started taking pictures in 2020, and a good two years later, he became a participant in 10Photos. If we weren't already impressed by his atmospheric images, we would be by now at the latest. His camera was first intended only as a slightly better travel camera but quickly developed from an initial hobby into a passion.

  • Landscape photography,  (B)especially impressive pictures,  Architectural photography

    Ronny Behnert

    Ronny Behnert

    In addition to his contract work, professional photographer Ronny Behnert tries not to lose sight of his freelance work. He spends as much time as possible travelling around the globe to focus on his own creativity. Selected photo series from Scandinavia, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Japan and Venice have been published in prestigious national and international photo magazines.

  • People and portrait photography,  (B)especially impressive pictures,  Landscape photography

    Thomas Bichler

    Thomas Bichler

    Thomas Bichler lives in Radolfzell on Lake Constance and has made an international name for himself as an outstanding nude and landscape photographer. He also specialises in photo coaching and travel journalism. He is the author of several illustrated books and regularly publishes annual calendars. His work has been featured in prestigious international magazines and has won numerous awards.

  • Landscape photography,  (B)especially impressive pictures

    Christian Binder

    Christian Binder

    Christian describes himself as an adventure and nature photographer. And rightly so, as his travels have taken him to some of the most remote corners of the world. Around 200,000 kilometres of travel and an almost infinite number of experiences and impressions are the result of his photographic passion. And, of course, such fantastic photographs as we see here in his selection.

  • Landscape photography,  (B)especially impressive pictures

    Michael Breitung

    Michael Breitung

    Michael Breitung is a German landscape photographer with more than ten years of experience in photography and image processing. Since his first photo trip to the Grand Canyon in 2009, he has travelled and photographed in more than 30 countries. His main interests are landscape and architectural photography. He is passionate about discovering and exploring new places, always on the lookout for exciting subjects and stunning compositions.

  • Landscape photography,  (B)especially impressive pictures,  Misc.

    Julia Burkhardt

    Julia Burkhardt

    Julia Burkhardt is a multi-talented photographer from Jettingen in Bavaria. She is particularly fascinated by the beauty of darkness. She specialises in capturing nocturnal scenes, stars, the Milky Way and Northern Lights, conveying the peace and tranquillity of the night. Julia is also able to evoke strong emotions and it is not uncommon for the viewer to recognise the incredible size and power of our world in her images.

  • Landscape photography,  (C)ool shots

    Matthias Conrad

    Matthias Conrad

    Matthias Conrad is a nature and landscape photographer from Thuringia, Germany. His focus is on nature, landscape and architecture photography as well as thematic projects. In his ten selected images, Matthias focuses on the beauty of landscape and nature, which played an important role in his early life. A prominent aspect of Matthias' work is fine art landscape photography.

  • Landscape photography,  (D)elightful pictures

    Corinne Dörflinger

    Corinne Dörflinger

    Corinne Dörflinger lives with her family in Switzerland and is a keen nature and landscape photographer. Even as a child she was drawn to the outdoors in all weathers. When she was a teenager, she took her first camera with her on hikes and this passion has stayed with her to this day. She spends every available minute outdoors, where photographing and experiencing nature is as relaxing and calming to her as yoga - a perfect balance to her often hectic life with children and work.

  • Landscape photography,  (E)nthusiastic and enjoyable photographers,  Architectural photography

    Siegfried Eichhorn

    Siegfried Eichhorn

    Siegfried Eichhorn is a versatile landscape and architecture photographer from Inning am Ammersee. In addition to photography, he also works as a video producer. One of the focal points of his professional work is the numerous workshops and individual coaching sessions he offers to both private individuals and companies. Siegfried has turned his passion into a career, but you can immediately tell that he has not lost his fascination for photography and filming. This is more than evident in his very informative and extensive YouTube channel.

  • Landscape photography,  (F)antastic photos,  Misc.

    Bill Ferngren

    Bill Ferngren

    Bill is a Swedish landscape and nature photographer. He says he likes challenges and loves to photograph things that you usually pass by unnoticed. Trees in fog, the small stream in the forest, meadows that can inspire new motifs or just a plant on a tree. Maybe not always such spectacular subjects, but Bill takes a spectacular photo of them. He sees details, finds the perfect perspective and captures the mood at the right moment.

  • Landscape photography,  (F)antastic photos

    Blai Figueras

    Blai Figueras

    Blai Figueras from Spain is a former maths teacher and landscape photographer. He originally photographed mainly on the Costa Brava and the Cantabrian coast, with a preference for dynamic and dramatic seascapes in a picturesque and artistic style. However, remote and underdeveloped areas in South America and the far north of Europe have also piqued his interest.

  • Landscape photography,  (F)antastic photos,  Architectural photography

    Gio Fleming

    Giovanna Fleming

    Giovanna "Gio" Fleming is an architectural and landscape photographer originally from the Italian Alps. She now resides in the French Alps, drawn by her deep love for the mountains. Since childhood, Gio has had an eye for the beautiful and worth seeing. Whether it is interiors, buildings or the fascinating nature, Gio looks at everything with an artistic eye.

  • Landscape photography,  (G)reat photos, great photographers

    Beate Grever

    Beate Grever

    The Cologne landscape photographer Beate Grever comes from a family of artists with Silesian roots. Growing up in Germany, a lifelong exploration took place on the basis of art and music within the tension between similar and different views and ways of life of these two cultures rich in tradition.

  • Landscape photography,  (H)armonious pictures with heart and soul

    Nicole Herr

    Nicole Herr

    Nature and landscape photographer Nicole Herr prefers to explore nature right in her own backyard. She is especially drawn to the outdoors in fog and rain. For Nicole, the appeal lies in capturing the mystical atmosphere of these situations. She especially loves the mood at sunrise, when the world is still and the light is magical.

  • Landscape photography,  (H)armonious pictures with heart and soul,  Animal and Wildlife photography

    Mario Hildebrandt

    Mario Hildebrandt

    Mario Hildebrand, a landscape and nature photographer from the Harz Mountains in Lower Saxony, Germany, discovered his passion for nature at an early age. It is important to him to share the impressions and experiences he gathers on his travels and hikes with people at home. Mario's landscape, animal and macro photographs are not only for himself, but also to give others a glimpse into the fascinating world of nature.

  • Landscape photography,  (H)armonious pictures with heart and soul

    Kai Hornung

    Kai Hornung

    Kai Hornung is a multi-award-winning landscape photographer from Germany. His images are published worldwide in magazines and online media. In 2020, he became the first German to win 'photographer of the year' in the prestigious International landscape photographer of the year awards.

  • Landscape photography,  (J)ust really impressive,  Misc.

    Jeremy Jackson

    Jeremy Jackson

    Prof. Dr. Jeremy Jackson has been photographing our nature in an impressive way for over 30 years. Colors and shapes are an important design element. His goal is to convey the meaning of the natural world in focused, clean, exciting and direct images. One thing in advance: this succeeds 100%.

  • Landscape photography,  (J)ust really impressive

    Michael Jaeschke

    Michael Jaeschke

    Gallery of nature and landscape photographer Michael Jaeschke. His passion is, among other things, as you can see in his gallery on 10Photos, the trees. In an impressive way, structures and forms of these fascinating woody plants are shown here. By the successful implementation in black and white, the effect is again strengthened. Nature photography in a refreshingly different way.

  • Landscape photography,  (J)ust really impressive,  Animal and Wildlife photography

    Radomir Jakubowski

    Radomir Jakubowski

    Radomir Jakubowski, born in 1987, is an experienced nature photographer, book author and business graduate from Saarland, Germany. In addition to his work as a photographer, Radomir runs the podcast Bohnensack, the most listened to German-language podcast on wildlife and nature photography. In addition, Germany's most read nature photography blog offers a lot of entertaining and interesting information on the subject.

  • Landscape photography,  (J)ust really impressive,  Misc.

    Andri Geir Jónasson

    Andri Jónasson

    Andri was born and raised in Iceland. As he himself writes, this growing up in the midst of nature, near the mountains and next to unique landscapes has been formative for his kind of photography. Andri's photographs are also unique. His ambition is not to document or describe, he wants to artfully represent nature with his images. Abstract and minimalist shots are often the result.

  • Macro photography,  (K)nowledgeable Photographers,  Architectural photography,  Landscape photography

    Roland A. Klein

    Roland A. Klein

    Rand A. Klein ist ein Makro- und Landschaftsfotograf aus dem rheinland-pfälzischen Westerwald. Geprägt von einer tiefen Verbundenheit mit der Natur lenkte Roland seinen fotografischen Fokus mehr oder weniger bewusst auf die Naturfotografie. Landschaften, Pflanzen und Tiere wurden seine bevorzugten Motive. Sein naturwissenschaftlicher Hintergrund ermöglichte es ihm, zunächst die "objektive" Natur zu erkennen und dann das Motiv losgelöst davon ästhetisch zu fotografieren.

  • Landscape photography,  (K)nowledgeable Photographers,  People and portrait photography

    Jens Klettenheimer

    Jens Klettenheimer

    Heidelberg-based photographer Jens Klettenheimer has made a name for himself under the brand name "schiefLicht Fotografie" with fascinating landscape photographs that show the beauty of the Nordic regions. Since 2014 he organizes photography workshops in Iceland and on the Lofoten Islands. In addition to landscape photography, portrait photography is another of Jens' specialties. Under the name "schiefschatten" he focuses on expressive black and white images.

  • Landscape photography,  (K)nowledgeable Photographers

    David Köster

    David Köster

    David Köster, a renowned landscape photographer from Halle (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt, captures the beauty of our earth’s natural scenery in his images. His characteristic dramatic perspectives and atmospheric light moods make his images unique and unforgettable.

  • Landscape photography,  (L)ovely pictures,  Macro photography,  Animal and Wildlife photography

    Markus Lenzen

    Markus Lenzen

    Markus Lenzen is a nature photographer from Eschweiler near Aachen, in the far west of North Rhine-Westphalia, not far from the Eifel-Hohes Venn National Park, whose passion for nature photography began back in 2008. Markus is inspired by the search for interesting motifs, which he likes to capture in an atmospheric way by playing with the light that nature offers. His images are authentic documents of nature, not created or distorted on a PC.

  • Landscape photography,  (M)agical photos,  (S)ensational photographers, stunning photos,  Animal and Wildlife photography

    Light in Focus

    Light in Focus

    Light in Focus, the creative duo Pia Steen and Roland Moser, unites two photographers with a shared passion for landscape and nature photography. For many years they have travelled to various locations throughout Europe, always in search of the perfect subject and the magical light that makes their images unique. Pia and Roland have a special approach to their work. Their aim is not only to capture landscapes in a documentary way, but also to evoke emotions in the viewer and capture their individual view of the moment.

  • Landscape photography,  (L)ovely pictures,  People and portrait photography,  Misc.

    Ulla Lohmann

    Ulla Lohmann

    Ullo Lohmann, expedition photographer and filmmaker, author and lecturer from near Kaiserslautern, Germany, explores and documents the remotest corners of the world on research trips and tells fascinating stories about unexplored places and their cultures. A particular milestone in her career was her participation in a scientific expedition into the interior of an active volcano, where she was the first woman in the world to enter completely new territory. Her photo reportage on the previously unknown mummies of a tribe in Papua New Guinea caused a worldwide sensation.

  • Landscape photography,  (L)ovely pictures,  Architectural photography

    Jeannine Loth

    Jeannine Loth

    Born in Brandenburg, Germany, Jeannine Loth is known for her passion for architecture and landscape photography. Her images tell stories of tranquil landscapes, exciting buildings and small details that are often overlooked. She succeeds in capturing the beauty and diversity of nature and culture.

  • Landscape photography,  (L)ovely pictures

    Phillip Lukas

    Phillip Lukas

    Phillip discovered his passion for photography early on. From his quite photogenic home country of Austria, he was drawn to faraway places. There he got to know new countries and cultures and developed a special eye for beauty to capture it as perfectly as possible.

  • Landscape photography,  (L)ovely pictures,  Misc.

    Massimo Lupidi

    Massimo Lupidi

    Italian photographer Massimo Lupidi is self-taught and specializes in aerial and landscape photography. Massimo's work is characterized by an eye for exciting detail, an ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, and an innovative choice of perspective. His passion for aerial photography, shooting from great heights, is what sets him apart.

  • Landscape photography,  (M)agical photos,  Architectural photography

    Jorge Maia

    Jorge Maia

    Jorge Maia, from Lisbon, Portugal, is a versatile and creative photographer dedicated to the art of landscape, travel and fine art photography. His roots in a city known for its beauty and cultural diversity have shaped his passion for photography. There is a clear intention behind each of his images: Jorge wants to capture and express the beauty, uniqueness and wonders of our planet.

  • Landscape photography,  (M)agical photos,  Misc.

    Michael Martin

    Michael Martin

    This could be the shortest text of a photographer's description here on 10Photos. The photos of Michael Martin speak for themselves - ready! - But Michael puts a huge spoke in our wheel. It's not just his incredible photos that fascinate us, it's also the photographer. Geo magazine called him the most famous globetrotter in Germany. We also think he is the most interesting globetrotter in Germany.

  • Landscape photography,  (M)agical photos

    Stefan Melly

    Stefan Melly

    Stefan Melly is a nature and landscape photographer from Switzerland. His focus is the local nature with the animals living there and the magnificent mountain landscapes of the Swiss Alps. His goal is to make these natural wonders accessible with photographs to those who themselves do not have the opportunity to visit these wonderful places in the best light.

  • Landscape photography,  (M)agical photos,  Animal and Wildlife photography

    Dieter Mendzigall

    Dieter Mendzigall

    Dieter Mendzigall was born in 1963 in Hildesheim and lives in Diekholzen, a small town in Lower Saxony. The fascination with traveling was the trigger for Dieter to deal with photography. Therefore, it is not surprising that the photographic focus is travel and landscape photography. For Dieter, being on the road and photography are inseparable - whether in a canoe, on a bicycle, or on foot.

  • Landscape photography,  (M)agical photos

    Roberto Moiola

    Roberto Moiola

    Roberto Moiola is a freelance photographer who founded and manages with some partners the international photo agency Clickalps, a reference point in Italy for landscape photography, reportage and wildlife.

  • Landscape photography,  (M)agical photos,  Architectural photography,  Misc.

    Mona Moraht

    Mona Moraht

    Mona Moraht, born in Hamburg in 1968 and living in Berlin since 2001, is a versatile and creative photographer. Since 2016, a particular focus of her work has been photographing abandoned places. Mona often travels many kilometres to capture the beauty and uniqueness of forgotten and dilapidated buildings. Mona also enjoys classical architecture, landscape and nature photography, always searching for the perfect moment and the unique atmosphere of a special place.

  • Landscape photography,  (O)h how beautiful,  Misc.

    Jens Ober

    Jens Ober

    Jens Ober is a nature photographer from Central Hesse. Besides classical landscape photography, astrophotography is a focus of his work. Classic photos, but also abstract images can be found in his varied portfolio.

  • Landscape photography,  (O)h how beautiful

    Nicolas Alexander Otto

    Nicolas Alexander Otto

    Nicolas Alexander Otto is a professional landscape photographer from North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Besides photography, he runs the "Landscape Photography Podcasts" and a YouTube channel where he discusses submitted images and gives post-processing tips. He also offers photography trips and workshops. Alexander strives to capture the unique atmosphere of a location in perfect images.

  • Landscape photography,  (P)erfect Pictures,  Architectural photography,  Misc.

    Nina Papiorek

    Nina Papiorek

    Nina Papiorek is a renowned photographer from Oberhausen, Germany, whose visual language is characterized by an unmistakable aesthetic and leads the viewer into a world between fine art street and (urban) landscape photography. By focusing on architecture, graphic elements and lines, her images convey an impression of loneliness and forlornness in an urban environment. A minimalist approach pervades her work, underscored by the absence of color and the exclusive use of black and white.

  • Landscape photography,  (P)erfect Pictures,  Architectural photography

    Stefano Paterna

    Stefano Paterna

    Stefano Paterna is an architectural, landscape and travel photographer from Cologne, Germany, who has turned his two passions - travel and photography - into a career. The multi-award winning photographer is inspired by the beauty and diversity of the world. Stefano is a master at capturing architecture and landscape in harmony, taking the viewer on a visual journey.

  • Landscape photography,  (P)erfect Pictures,  Misc.

    Jason Pettit

    Jason Pettit

    Jason is a landscape photographer from Canada. With his work he wants to convey a simple and powerful message: There is more to nature than what you see on the surface. His images are less documentary and more artistic, often abstract and full of fascinating colors and shapes.