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  • Landscape photography,  (A)ll but ordinary,  Misc.

    Michael Adam

    Michael Adam

    Nature photographer Michael Adam will be showing photos with a focus on "weather photography" from the Ulm area. Weather photography is one of the most spectacular forms of nature photography, but also one of the most difficult. Michael Adam specialises in this type of photography and his images capture the beauty and power of weather phenomena.

  • Landscape photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Misc.

    Bastian Werner

    Bastian Werner

    Bastian Werner is a nature photographer and author specialising in landscape and weather photography. He is a versatile all-rounder who not only photographs professionally, but also offers workshops, video courses and webinars. He is also the initiator of spectacular weather photography trips and the developer of the Viewfinder App, a planning tool for landscape photographers.

  • Landscape photography,  (Z)ealous and talented photographers,  Misc.

    Maximilian Ziegler

    Maximilian Ziegler

    Maximilian Ziegler is a nature and landscape photographer with a focus on weather photography. Since 2008, he has been pursuing photography with increasing passion and success. His digital and print work has been featured in calendars, coffee table books, websites, television shows, and professional articles.