
Bastian Werner

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Bastian Werner from Mühltal in Germany is a unique nature photographer with a focus on landscape and weather photography. After studying optics and image processing in 2020, he started his career as a freelance photographer. He is a versatile all-rounder who not only photographs professionally, but also offers workshops, video courses and webinars. He is also the initiator of spectacular weather-based photo tours. He developed the "Viewfinder" app for iOS and Android, which is used by a large community of photographers with over 10,000 users as an essential planning tool for landscape photography.

Bastian has made an international name for himself as a recognised weather photographer. His work has been featured in numerous publications such as c't Fotografie, CHIP Foto & Video, FotoMagazin and Digital Photo. He has published a coffee-table book and three reference books with Rheinwerk Verlag, including the standard work on German-language weather photography - Fotografieren mit Wind und Wetter.

Bastian is also a brand ambassador for companies such as LowePro, Novoflex, Sony, Tamron and others. His expertise makes him a sought-after speaker at exhibitions and events such as Photokina, Fotogena Multimediale, Photopia Hamburg and many more. An extensive list of his publications and references can be found on his website.

[ Text 10Photos based on the website of Bastian Werner ]

10Photos says: There is not much to say about Bastian's images, they speak for themselves. Spectacular weather phenomena are his favourite subjects, which he captures in a unique way. With a drama and dynamism that sometimes makes you feel like you are in the storm. But his portfolio also includes gentle and atmospheric landscape images of captivating beauty, such as icy landscapes of the far north or atmospheric sunrises in fog. Auroras, astrophotography and geological spectacles such as volcanic eruptions round off his unique and fantastic work.

Bastian writes about himself on his website: "Weather hunter, adventurer and landscape photographer," we add, impressed: "Master of the natural forces".

More pictures and information from Bastian Werner on Instagram @bastianw.de and his website bastianw.de.
