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  • Landscape photography,  (M)agical photos,  Architectural photography

    Jorge Maia

    Jorge Maia

    Jorge Maia, from Lisbon, Portugal, is a versatile and creative photographer dedicated to the art of landscape, travel and fine art photography. His roots in a city known for its beauty and cultural diversity have shaped his passion for photography. There is a clear intention behind each of his images: Jorge wants to capture and express the beauty, uniqueness and wonders of our planet.

  • Animal and Wildlife photography,  (K)nowledgeable Photographers,  Macro photography

    Anke Kneifel

    Anke Kneifel

    Nature has been a part of Anke Kneifel's life since childhood, and her curiosity about the small wonders of her local environment eventually led her to photography. She finds particular fulfilment in macro photography, capturing the smallest creatures and plants with impressive precision and beauty. In addition to macro photography, she is particularly interested in wildlife photography. Her photographs capture animals in their natural environment and show them in a variety of ways, usually in exciting lighting moods.

  • Macro photography,  (D)elightful pictures

    Bob Daalder

    Bob Daalder

    Bob Daalder, born and raised in Den Helder, the Netherlands, has made a name for himself as an outstanding nature and macro photographer. His images are soft and dreamy, often characterised by delicate bokeh and bubbles of light. Sometimes he chooses a minimalist and simple approach, highlighting his subjects in their pure form. These stylistic elements give his photographs an unmistakable signature and captivate the viewer.

  • Macro photography,  (S)ensational photographers, stunning photos,  Misc.

    Gottlieb Schalberger

    Gottlieb Schalberger

    Gottlieb Schalberger is a nature photographer from Friolzheim, Germany. He is especially passionate about macro photography. But he is also fascinated by landscapes and weather phenomena. Especially his macro and abstract nature photographs show that Gottlieb not only documents, but also sets creative accents with his photos. His play with focus, color, and form often makes his images look like works of art.

  • Macro photography,  (B)especially impressive pictures

    Christa Böhm

    Christa Böhm

    Christa Böhm is a nature and macro photographer from the Wartburg region in western Thuringia. Her work is characterized by a deep amazement at the small wonders of nature that are often overlooked. She especially enjoys photographing the colorful and delicate butterflies, but her enthusiasm is for nature photography in general. The diversity and complexity of the animal and plant world inspires Christa, as does the fragility of these creations.

  • Animal and Wildlife photography,  (E)nthusiastic and enjoyable photographers,  Macro photography

    Hans-Helmut Esser

    Hans-Helmut Esser

    Hans Helmut Esser, a nature and wildlife photographer from Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, was infected with the "photography virus" at an early age. His photographic beginnings ranged from 35mm to medium format to plate cameras on an optical bench, with an initial focus on landscape photography. Over time, he developed an increasing interest in nature photography of the local animal world.

  • Landscape photography,  (J)ust really impressive,  Animal and Wildlife photography

    Radomir Jakubowski

    Radomir Jakubowski

    Radomir Jakubowski, born in 1987, is an experienced nature photographer, book author and business graduate from Saarland, Germany. In addition to his work as a photographer, Radomir runs the podcast Bohnensack, the most listened to German-language podcast on wildlife and nature photography. In addition, Germany's most read nature photography blog offers a lot of entertaining and interesting information on the subject.

  • Macro photography,  (K)nowledgeable Photographers,  Architectural photography,  Landscape photography

    Roland A. Klein

    Roland A. Klein

    Rand A. Klein is a macro and landscape photographer from the Westerwald in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Characterised by a deep connection to nature, Roland more or less consciously directed his photographic focus towards nature photography. Landscapes, plants and animals became his favourite subjects. His scientific background enabled him first to recognise "objective" nature and then to photograph the subject aesthetically, detached from it.

  • Macro photography,  (H)armonious pictures with heart and soul,  Misc.

    Gerald Haas

    Gerald Haas

    Dr. Gerald Haas, a nature photographer from Schwarzenfeld in Bavaria, Germany, discovered his fascination for the beauty of nature in his youth. Equipped with a single-lens reflex camera, he set out early on to capture the unique facets of his surroundings. One of his passions is documentary and artistic macro photography, which he presents here in 10photos.

  • Misc.,  (N)ice Pictures,  Macro photography

    Heidi Nassenstein

    Heidi Nassenstein

    Heidi Nassenstein, renowned photographer and native of Kiel, Germany, has traveled the world with her passion for photography and thirst for adventure, capturing countless fascinating moments. She is fascinated by creative macro photography, which gives her a new perspective on the world. In addition, landscapes and culture, often captured in a surreal and abstract way, play an important role in her photography.

  • Macro photography,  (E)nthusiastic and enjoyable photographers

    Astrid Emmrich-Wanless

    Astrid Emmrich-Wanless

    Astrid Emmrich-Wanless is a nature photographer from Paderborn with a focus on macro photography. Her favorite subjects are flowers, butterflies and mushrooms and are mainly taken in her home and surroundings. Astrid's photography is more artistic and creative than documentary. Colors and an often purposefully used blur are an important feature of her images.

  • Landscape photography,  (L)ovely pictures,  Architectural photography

    Jeannine Loth

    Jeannine Loth

    Born in Brandenburg, Germany, Jeannine Loth is known for her passion for architecture and landscape photography. Her images tell stories of tranquil landscapes, exciting buildings and small details that are often overlooked. She succeeds in capturing the beauty and diversity of nature and culture.

  • Macro photography,  (O)h how beautiful,  Misc.

    Lars Ortgies

    Lars Ortgies

    Lars Ortgies is an enthusiastic nature and macro photographer from Vechta in Lower Saxony, Germany. He is often drawn to a rewetted moor in his neighbourhood, which always captivates him early in the morning with its indescribable atmosphere. He is particularly fascinated by the morning mist and the insects on the moor, especially the dragonflies. But he also loves other animals such as frogs. He also loves to experiment and tries to capture his subjects in unconventional ways.