
Ines Mondon

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Born and raised in the Erzgebirge, Ines Mondon has lived and worked in the Rhine-Main area since 2016. One of her main focuses is nature photography with particular emphasis on macro, landscape, and abstract photography, the latter being based purely on the colors and structures found in nature. Her works often have a playful, light, pastel-like character, though she is not averse to using strong colors when appropriate.

Creatively, she wants to convey her view of the world with her photography. Here many of her images are more reminiscent of paintings than of photographs, as she strives to reach the viewer on an emotional level.

She finds her motifs everywhere from Germany and Europe to many other parts of the world. Indeed, exploring new destinations and traveling to special places is an inseparable part of her photography.

As a book author, in lectures and workshops, as well as in articles for magazines, she gives insights into her work and conveys her great passion for photography and nature. She has been working with SIGMA Germany as a reference photographer for many years.

Giving of herself, Ines Mondon’s works are always emotional and touching. If you are interested in her pictures, a workshop, or a lecture in the field of travel, nature, or photography, please get in touch via this website.

[Text Ines Mondon]

10Photos says: We just can't decide! Are Ines' pictures wonderful nature photographs or fascinating works of art. There remains only the simple compromise: both, without ifs and buts. Thank you Ines for this uniquely emotional and atmospheric insight into nature.

More from Ines Mondon can be found on her websites www.inesmondon.de and www.inesmondon.com English (Limited Edition) well as on Instagram @inesmondon.
