
Florian Ledoux

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Award-winning French landscape photographer Florian Ledoux is renowned for his stunning compositions that capture the beauty and fragility of nature, especially in the polar regions.

Self-taught, Florian continued to develop his photographic skills, eventually serving as a photojournalist with the French Navy while starting his own project in Greenland. His work shows a deep commitment to the environment and is inspired by famous photographers such as Paul Nicklen, Sebastião Salgado, Ami Vitale and Vincent Munier.

Florian's photographs tell stories of the fragility and diverse beauty of life on our planet. His images, especially the aerial shots, open a new perspective on wildlife and the icy polar landscapes, awakening a deeper understanding of regions most of us only know from pictures and movies.

His work is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also of great importance to the global environmental movement. Florian's initiative aims to reach a wide audience with his images and stories, and to promote international cooperation to solve the most pressing environmental problems.

With his passion for the polar regions and his talent for capturing the beauty of nature, Florian is an inspiring role model and his work reminds us that we all have a responsibility to preserve nature and its wonders.

Florian Ledoux's work has been published internationally in various renowned publications, in print media such as books and magazines, as well as in TV and video productions. His images have received numerous prestigious awards and enjoy the highest recognition worldwide.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: "Florian Ledoux's images are unique and fascinating because of their extraordinary beauty and emotionality. His aerial photographs offer a breathtaking view of the polar regions and their inhabitants, spectacular and touching at the same time. Florian's art creates a connection between the viewer and the most remote regions of our world, inspiring a deep reverence and appreciation for nature. His images tell stories about the fragility and diversity of life on our planet and serve as a powerful call to action for climate and environmental protection. Florian's unique perspective and talent for capturing the fragile beauty of nature make him an inspiring and admirable photographer. It is with some pride and great respect that we present his incredibly beautiful photographs.

A description of the images can be found below the gallery on this page.

Website: www.florian-ledoux.com
Instagram: Florian Ledoux Photographer



Bild 1: Luftaufnahme der Austfonna-Eiskappe auf der Insel Nordauslandet in Svalbard. Im Sommer verursacht das Schmelzen unglaubliche "Linien" auf der Spitze der Eiskappe, von wo aus die Flüsse etwa 30 Meter hoch ins Meer fließen.

Figure 2: A polar bear (Ursus maritimus) rests on an iceberg in front of the Austfonna ice cap in Svalbard during summer. The bear stands at the edge of the iceberg and constantly watches the water for seals.

Figure 3: Aerial view of a large group of belugas in the polar waters of Svalbard in summer, along the coast of Isfjorden. There were about 200 individuals.

Figure 4: Aerial view of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the area of Ilulissat on the west coast of Greenland. This region is undergoing major changes. Surface thawing of the ice sheet is beginning earlier and earlier, with less and less snow accumulating in winter, resulting in a large decrease in ice mass.

Figure 5: Crab eater (a type of seal) on an ice floe. Nature TTL POTY 2020 winning image.

Figure 6: Crabeater Seals (obodon carcinophaga) view from above while they feeding on krill in big group (more than 100) at the edge of the broken ice of the Antarctic peninsula, December 2018.

Figure 7: Aerial view of crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga) resting on the pack ice in the Antarctic Peninsula, December 2018 (spring).

Figure 8: Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) feeding on krill in the cold water of the Antarctic peninsula, in December (spring).

Figure 9: Vertical view above a polar bear (ursus maritimus) resting on the pack ice between its hunts, during summer around Baffin Island, in Canada, Nunavut, North America.

Figure 10: Above the polar bear (ursus maritmus) leaping the ice, during summer around Baffin Island, in Canada, Nunavut, North America.