
Gottlieb Schalberger

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Gottlieb Schalberger is a nature photographer from Friolzheim, Germany. He is especially passionate about macro photography. But he is also fascinated by landscapes and weather phenomena. Especially his macro and abstract nature photographs show that Gottlieb does not only document, but also sets creative accents with his photos. His play with focus, color, and form often makes his images look like works of art. Another focus of Gottlieb's work is travel. Together with his wife Vera, he is drawn to foreign countries, whose nature he captures in his photographs.

Gottlieb writes of himself: "No, it's not what it seems. Looking through the camera forces you to look closer. And then you see something you didn't see before. I only started taking a closer look in 2010. Before that, I was just taking pictures. The ability to make the little things big and important, to not only see the beauty of nature, but to capture it and take it home with me, fascinates me. Playing with colors and shapes to make the ordinary seem extraordinary is my constant incentive to keep looking for a new way to see nature.

Gottlieb is fond of quoting Benjamin Franklin: "There are times when you must not only see, but close your eyes. - This is especially true when looking through the viewfinder of a camera. Nature photography is a passion that this likeable photographer has been pursuing for several years. He wants to capture the experiences, images and thoughts that come with this hobby for himself and like-minded people.

[ Text Gottlieb Schalberger and 10Photos ]

10Photos says: Gottlieb not only shares his thoughts and experiences with us in pictures. He shows us how incredibly diverse and fascinating nature can be. He shows us not only how diverse our world is, but also how diverse and exciting it can be to photograph. From the smallest, barely visible wonders of the macrocosm to the most vast and grandiose landscapes, he portrays our habitat beautifully, sometimes with great detail and brilliance, sometimes artistically abstract. Thank you, Gottlieb, for your special eye.

More images by Gottlieb Schalberger can be found on his website www.gottlieb-schalberger.de and in the Nature Photographers Forum, on 500px as well as on Facebook. Also check out Gottlieb's travelogues on his website.
