
Sven Herdt

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Born in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, Sven Herdt discovered his deep connection to nature as a child. After training as a photographer in 2005, he began to explore the world beyond his homeland with his camera. His travels have taken him through Central and South America, India, Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa, where he has gathered countless impressions of the diversity of our planet and honed his photographic skills.

Sven's photographic focus is primarily on landscape, animal and macro photography, covering the entire spectrum of nature photography and capturing the diversity of our world. He has been sharing his knowledge and experience in workshops since 2013, with a special interest in the Nordic countries and regions of Iceland, Norway, Finland and Svalbard.

For Sven, the combination of nature and photography is a passion and a lifestyle. He believes that the true joy of photography comes from doing what you truly love. His days often begin long before sunrise to capture the perfect light and end after sunset. When travelling, he often sleeps in his car or in a tent to be flexible and close to his subjects.

Despite the increase in tourism in many natural areas, Sven strives to go his own way and experience the beauty of the landscape away from the crowds. He believes that nature should not only be seen, but also felt and enjoyed, even in lesser known places. His aim is to preserve the naturalness of his images and to capture the perfect moment.

Sven is a nature photographer who impresses not only with his camera, but also with his passion and respect for nature. His images pay tribute to the beauty and diversity of our world and remind us that we are all part of this wonderful natural world that needs to be protected.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: Sven Herdt has an eye for the beauty of the world around us and knows how to capture the perfect light. What sets him apart and inspires us more than anything is his authentic approach and desire to preserve the naturalness in his images. His flair for light and shadow gives his images a fascinating depth and atmosphere. He has the rare ability to capture the mood of a place in a single image, placing the viewer at the centre of the scene. In addition to his breathtaking landscape portraits, Sven's wildlife and macro images are equally fascinating, as he continues to capture the diversity and beauty of our natural world. This is nature photography at its best!

You can find more pictures and interesting facts about Sven Herdt on his website svenherdt.com including information about photo trips and workshopsAlso check out the Fokus Naturfotografie Community and of course Instagram @svenherdt as well as on Facebook.
