
(W)onderful Photos


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  • People and portrait photography,  (W)onderful Photos

    Mirko Wagenschütz

    Mirko Wagenschütz

    Berlin-based portrait photographer Mirko Wagenschütz has had a fascinating journey through the world of photography. As a young music student, he discovered his passion for photography, which has remained unbroken to this day. He is particularly fascinated by fine art photography in the style of past eras. The combination of modern technology and the aesthetics of old paintings allows him to take a fascinating journey back in time to the salons of the great masters of painting.

  • Landscape photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Misc.

    Kristin Weinhold

    Kristin Weinhold

    For Kristin, photography is first and foremost about consciously seeing, discovering the remarkable amidst all the everyday chaos. The amazement, the wonder and the excitement about aesthetic sights in often random constellations are her motivation to go out with the camera and discover new things. In recent years, Kristin has focused more and more on nature.

  • People and portrait photography,  (W)onderful Photos

    Benjamin Wohlert

    Benjamin Wohlert

    Benjamin Wohlert is an enthusiastic portrait photographer, photo coach and book author from Dortmund, Germany, who has a very individual way of looking at people. His passion is to capture this unique look in beautiful photos. The people in front of his camera are his inexhaustible source of inspiration.

  • Animal and Wildlife photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Misc.

    Simone Wirth

    Simone Wirth

    Simone Wirth, a creative Swiss nature photographer, shows landscapes and animals not only in a vivid and documentary way, but often in an artistically abstract form that appeals to the viewer on an emotional level. Her experimental use of light, colour and form is characteristic: sometimes bright and soft, sometimes dark and dramatic.

  • Landscape photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Misc.

    Bastian Werner

    Bastian Werner

    Bastian Werner is a nature photographer and author specialising in landscape and weather photography. He is a versatile all-rounder who not only photographs professionally, but also offers workshops, video courses and webinars. He is also the initiator of spectacular weather photography trips and the developer of the Viewfinder App, a planning tool for landscape photographers.

  • People and portrait photography,  (W)onderful Photos

    Holger Walch

    Holger Walch

    Holger Walch from Eppingen in Germany is an amateur photographer with professional ambitions. Even after a long period of active photography, he is not satisfied with what he has achieved. He strives for the best, because mediocrity is not his thing. Holger enjoys shooting in the studio as well as outdoors, and he doesn't do stereotypical poses and models.

  • Macro photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Architectural photography

    Jörn Wallenwein

    Jörn Wallenwein

    Jörn Wallenwein is an ambitious nature and macro photographer. Color contrasts, a soft but not monotonous background and good cropping are important to him in macro photography. Architectural photography (especially in black and white) is another of his main interests. He is the founder and operator of this website.

  • Landscape photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Misc.,  Animal and Wildlife photography

    Berthold Walheim

    Berthold Walheim

    Worms-based photographer Berthold Walheim, born in 1960, impresses with his enormous versatility and flair for unusual subjects. His portfolio shows an impressive diversity. It includes landscape and animal photography, architecture - especially lost places - as well as travelogues, people, technology and street art. He even ventures into exotic subjects such as infrared photography and light art, which underlines his love of experimentation.

  • People and portrait photography,  (W)onderful Photos

    Vanessa Wunsch

    Vanessa Wunsch

    Vanessa Wunsch is a young fashion and portrait photographer from Berlin who studied fashion design and then worked in the industry for several years. "I learned a lot about my aesthetics, storytelling, colors and composition here, photography has always been a part of my work and my life". As a freelance photographer, she works across a wide range, shooting mainly portraits, influencer campaigns and fashion, as well as weddings.

  • Landscape photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Architectural photography

    Marzena Wieczorek

    Marzene Wieczorek

    Marzena Wieczorek, a multi-talented photographer from the Lake Constance region of Germany, presents here a diverse selection of landscape and architectural images that provide just a glimpse into her extensive portfolio. This versatile photographer covers a wide range of subjects, from wildlife and nature photography to portraiture and fine art photography. As well as her documentary approach, Marzena also has a penchant for artistically abstract and creative forms of expression.

  • People and portrait photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Misc.

    Sven-Kristian Wolf

    Sven-Kristian Wolf

    Salzburg-based portrait and conceptual photographer Sven-Kristian Wolf is known for his serial approach to his work. As a former musician and cultural manager, he has specialised in photographing artists and orchestras. Sven-Kristian knows the world in front of and behind the camera. His roots are in the punk and new wave scene, but he also loves Mahler, Brahms and Mozart. At 10Fotos, the likeable Salzburg native focuses on his creative and conceptual work.

  • Macro photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Landscape photography

    Jörg Wiltink

    Jörg Wiltink

    For Jörg Wiltink from Rheinhessen, Germany, nature photography is a welcome change from his hectic everyday life. He is particularly fascinated by macro photography. Looking through the lens allows Jörg to immerse himself in a world that remains invisible to many - a world full of small wonders and fascinating details. But he also has an irresistible attraction to landscapes, which he sometimes captures in an abstract and minimalist way.

  • Macro photography,  (W)onderful Photos

    Tilmann Wolfsgruber

    Tilmann Wolfsgruber

    Tilmann Wolfsgruber is a macro photographer born in 1976. Since 2016, he is more intensively engaged in the photography of small things. Insects and amphibians are his primary focus. He is a lecturer at the Nordpfälzer Fotoschule, where he wants to inspire other people to look at the uniqueness of nature as well as the beauty of people through the lens of a camera.

  • Landscape photography,  (W)onderful Photos,  Animal and Wildlife photography

    Felix Wesch

    Felix Wesch

    Nature and landscape photographs of the quiet moments of nature. Foggy moods, forests, mountains, swans, orchids, and more. Felix's images are not ordinary landscape or wildlife photographs. He photographs moods. The images usually radiate an incredible calm and fascinate the viewer with harmonious colors and textures.

  • People and portrait photography,  (W)onderful Photos

    Martin Wieland

    Martin Wieland

    Renowned photographer Martin Wieland was born in Vienna in 1970. He decided to become a photographer at the age of 14. As part of his education, Martin attended the Höhere Graphische Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Vienna. Today he enjoys international recognition as a photographer and photo coach in the field of people photography. Since 1997 he has specialised in nude and sensual photography.