
Yvonne Nicole Warbinek

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Yvonne Nicole Warbinek is an ambitious nature and macro photographer from Waiblingen, Germany. Her special interest is the badger, a species that is difficult to photograph due to its predominantly nocturnal activity.

To get closer to her goals, Yvonne has to plan her photo shoots well. Wildlife cameras and camouflage of all kinds are the main tools she uses. Through a combination of know-how and patience, Yvonne is able to achieve her goal and capture impressive images of this shy species. Another of Yvonne Nicole's specialties is photographing local wildlife.

In 2020, Yvonne Nicole decided to turn her hobby into a career and began her training as a photo designer. Her passion is mainly product and portrait photography with a focus on fashion and beauty photography with fancy light settings. At 10Photos, however, she limits herself to wildlife photography.

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10Photos says: A wonderful gallery that shows the beauty of the local wildlife in an enchanting way. Yvonne Nicole works less documentary, but tries to capture special moods through beautiful light. She succeeds brilliantly and the results are colorful and brilliant images full of emotion.

More pictures and info on Instagram: @ynw_photoart
