
Jörn Wallenwein

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Jörn Wallenwein lives in Hattersheim, Germany and is an ambitious nature and macro photographer. He is also interested in architectural photography, especially in winter when the insects stop flying.

Most of his macro shots are taken in the Rhein-Main area. After work, photography is a welcome change for Jörn. It's time to "come down" and even if no insect comes in front of the lens, it's a good opportunity to enjoy nature. So it's no wonder that almost all of the pictures were taken in the evening. As a notorious late riser, mornings are not optimal for Jörn anyway.

Color contrast, a soft but not monotonous background, and good framing are important to him in macro photography. Jörn likes his subject to be in focus from front to back. That's why he often works with a tripod, even if there is enough light, so that he can align the camera perfectly. Stacking several photos has also become a popular technique in recent years.

The images shown here were taken with a digital system camera. All architectural photos are long exposures of several minutes and were processed on the PC in "fine art style". More information about the photos can be found in the gallery.

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You can find out more about Jörn Wallenwein and see pictures of him on his web site at wallenwein-foto.de and Instagram @joernwallenwein.



Dark City Series - Fine Art Fotografie in Frankfurt am Main

Image 1: "Splendid". Tower 185 near the trade fair center, with a height of 200.0 meters, is the fourth highest building in Germany (together with the Main Tower). Curiously, the tower was originally intended to be only 185 meters high, as the name suggests. During construction, however, it was decided to add another 15 meters. Nevertheless, the name remains.

Image 2: "Lights in the Shadows". The Main fun fair with a Ferris wheel in front of the dark skyscrapers of Frankfurt. Shot from the southern bank of the Main.

Image 4: "Silver Giant". A surreal representation of the Silver Tower at Jürgen-Ponto-Platz. The shiny silver tower was Germany's tallest skyscraper from 1978 to 1990, standing 166 meters tall. After the completion of the Omiturm (2019) and the Grand Tower (mid-2020), the Silberturm has fallen out of the top ten German skyscrapers. However, its gleaming silver facade still makes it a sought-after photo motif.

Image 4: "Black Mirror II". Tower 185 (right) and Pollux (left). The twin towers Kastor and Pollux are not very tall for Frankfurt, but they have beautiful, reflective facades. The cover image of this gallery shows both skyscrapers in a montage with high-key processing.

Picture "Mating wheel of the damselfly on my hand": Jörn is often asked how this is possible, as it is not common to see dragonflies mating on a hand.

"It was a very warm summer day, well over 30° Celsius and it was a good year; there were a lot of active dragonflies and insects. At a fishing pond with not too dense vegetation, darters kept flying at a wooden railing. Pairs were regularly attacked by male darters. One pair flew almost always to the same place and was permanently driven away by "jealous" males. I put my hand to the corresponding spot and waited motionlessly. After a short time, the dragonfly pair came and sat down on my outstretched hand. Very slowly I lifted my hand and carefully moved away. Thereby I shielded my pair from other darters. A win-win situation, so to speak. Even when I moved my hand into the shade for better photography, the darters stayed with me. Long after the photograph was taken, the pair remained on my hand. A daters mating can last up to 20 minutes." [ Quote Jörn Wallenwein ]