
Dieter Mendzigall

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Dieter Mendzigall was born in 1963 in Hildesheim and lives in Diekholzen, a small town in Lower Saxony. The fascination with traveling was the trigger for Dieter to deal with photography. Therefore, it is not surprising that the photographic focus is travel and landscape photography. For Dieter, being on the road and photography are inseparable - whether in a canoe, on a bicycle, or on foot.

An elementary part of his work is the emphasis on the landscape through the skillful incorporation of graphic elements, lines, and contrasts. Dieter's images have been published in numerous media, including National Geographic, GEO, and Tagesschau.

10Photos is pleased to present Dieter's fantastic landscape images. More pictures on Instagram @dietermendzigall and in the Fotocommunity.