
Matthias Conrad

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Matthias Conrad is a landscape and nature photographer based in Thuringia, Germany. He focuses on nature, landscape and architecture photography, as well as thematic projects such as his long-term project "Botanical Studies".

In his ten selected images, Matthias focuses on the beauty of landscape and nature, which played an important role in his life from an early age. Born in the 1970s in a small town in Thuringia on the edge of the Hainich, his love of nature was formed as a child. Excursions and family holidays regularly took him to the countryside. While still at school, Matthias used his parents' and grandparents' analogue Exa and Praktika cameras to document his surroundings and discovered his love of photography.

What began as a hobby has grown over the years into his profession and passion. During his studies in Business Administration, his passion for travelling developed. Several stays abroad in Canada, Mexico and the USA sparked his enthusiasm for landscape photography, inspired by the unique natural wonders of these regions.

A prominent aspect of Matthias' work is fine art landscape photography. He also appreciates bad weather - rain, wind and dark clouds - as a creative element. Using long exposures and detailed black and white shots that highlight the structures and lines in the landscape, he is able to capture the diversity and fascination of nature.

Meanwhile, this form of photography has become an integral part of his professional life. In addition to organising workshops and photo trips in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, Matthias is often on the road working on commercial projects.

But his skills go far beyond photography. Through his long-term project "Botanical Studies", Matthias has also discovered printing and offers self-printed fine art prints up to A2 format. The choice of paper is determined by the texture of the surface. A new portfolio of 10 selected images is published once a year.

[ Text 10Photos based on the website of Matthias Conrad ]

10Fotos meint: Neben der exzellenten Bildqualität beeindruckt uns vor allem die kreative Vielseitigkeit des Natur- und Landschaftsfotografen. Matthias versteht es meisterhaft, sowohl feine Details als auch majestätische Gebirgsformationen einzufangen, die beide gleichermaßen die Schönheit der Natur zeigen. Doch nicht nur die facettenreichen Motive begeistern, sondern auch die unterschiedlichen Stimmungen, die seine Bilder vermitteln. Mal erwecken sie den Eindruck von Dramatik und Bewegung, mal strahlen sie Sanftheit und Ruhe aus - immer geprägt von beeindruckender Schönheit.

More pictures and information from Matthias Conrad can be found on Instagram @matthconphoto and its website www.matthiasconrad.com. Ausführliche Details über die "Botanische Studien" und Fine Art Prints von Matthias sind auf der Webseite www.matthiasconradprints.com for more information about the Botanical Studies and Matthias' fine art prints.
