
David Köster

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David Köster, a renowned landscape photographer from Halle (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt, captures the beauty of our earth’s natural scenery in his images. His characteristic dramatic perspectives and atmospheric light moods make his images unique and unforgettable.

A Hamburg art connoisseur once described David’s pictorial creations as “hyperrealistic landscape photography.” A special characteristic of his works is the romantic, dreamy visual language and the graphic image design, which often makes his photographs appear like paintings. David has received several internationally recognized awards for his artistic work as a landscape photographer, including the IPA International Photography Awards and the German Highlights of Nature Photography.

His landscape paintings radiate values such as tranquility, harmony and strength and bring a special atmosphere to any room. David’s large-scale landscape paintings now decorate homes and business premises around the world. In addition, we have shown his images in various exhibitions around the world. Also, his photographs can be found in various illustrated books and calendars (National Geographic, DUMONT, GEO, mare, etc.).

[ Text David Köster and 10Photos ]

10Photos says: David wants his pictures to be seen by as many people as possible. We hope to help with this, because every nature lover and photographer should see his pictures. They are harmonious shots that inspire us, that make us realize in every moment of viewing how wonderful and uniquely beautiful our nature is. Thank you dear David, that you give us this insight so impressively.

More info about David can be found under the gallery pictures and on his website www.davidkoester.de as well as on Instagram @davidkoesterphoto and Facebook @davidkoester.eu. Very interesting are also the Landscape photography workshops.



David also shares his expertise and know-how via photo guidebooks published by Humboldt Verlag and Rheinwerk Verlag. His 2019 photo guidebook "The Start in Landscape Photography" is already considered a contemporary classic on the subject of landscape photography in the German-speaking world. Photo magazines, photo portals, associations and even Wikipedia recommend it.

David particularly enjoys sharing his experience and passion for landscape photography personally in his popular landscape photography workshops, which he has now been running on his own since 2015:

David about himself:

"Unsere Erde ist eine einzigartige Komposition vielfältigster Lebensräume und Naturkulissen. Als Landschaftsfotograf ist es meine Leidenschaft, diese großen und kleinen Wunder zu entdecken und in meinen Bildern in Szene zu setzen. Als künstlerischer Fotograf interessiert mich vor allem das natürliche Spiel von Licht und Farben, Formen und Strukturen. In meinen Fotografien geht es mir weniger um Dokumentation, denn um Imagination und Emotion.

Als Landschaftsfotograf erzähle ich visuelle Geschichten von der Schönheit unserer Welt. Den Betrachter möchte ich im besten Wortsinn „mit auf die Reise nehmen“, mit meinen Bildern Emotionen in ihm erwecken. Dies verbinde ich immer auch mit der Hoffnung, mit meinen Bildern für den Erhalt und den Schutz unserer Erde werben zu können."