
Christian Binder

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Christian describes himself as an adventure and nature photographer. And rightly so, as his travels have taken him to some of the most remote corners of the world. Around 200,000 kilometres of travel and an almost infinite number of experiences and impressions are the result of his photographic passion. And, of course, such fantastic photographs as we see here in his selection.

Christian Binder, a photographer from Gifhorn in Lower Saxony, Germany, started out rather unmotivated and unenthusiastic. But the fever for landscape photography soon gripped the trained chef and hotel business economist, and with tireless energy he taught himself everything he needed to know. The result is a number of remarkable publications, including in "Stern", "GEO Saison", "Volksstimme" and various magazines and online journals.

His own motivation was also the cornerstone of the path to self-employment, the path to becoming a professional photographer. He himself writes: "The passion for digital image development and the intrinsic motivation to express creativity and the beauty of landscape, wind and water in my images, to share experiences and stories, to inspire people, to encourage deceleration, to tell stories and to touch deeply, led me to the decision to create the brand "Yourheartpix". A brand explicitly focused on photography".

In cooperation with Brockmann Photography Photo & Travel, Christian accompanies and coaches participants on trips that he has tested and optimised photographically. He also teaches selected photography courses at the Volkshochschule Gifhorn.

[ Text Christian Binder & 10Photos ]

10Photos says: "It's the creativity, the incredible versatility and the quality that inspires us. We are equally impressed by the way Christian integrates human constructions into his photographs. Streets and buildings are not foreign bodies in the picture, but important elements that fit in harmoniously to create a cohesive and beautiful overall impression. The ingredients are right, everything is fantastically seasoned and the menu is more than delicious. A real 5-star chef 5-star photographer ;-).

For more information about Christian and his projects, including a portfolio, please visit his website at All about Photography.
See more pictures on Instagram @christianbinderphotography and Facebook @yourheartpix.
