
Stefano Balma

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Stefano Balma is a landscape photographer from Italy. He started taking pictures in 2020 and joined 10Fotos two years later. If we weren't already impressed by his atmospheric images, we will be now.

His camera was originally intended to be a slightly better travel camera, but what started as a hobby quickly became a passion. His desire to improve and his deep connection to nature drive him on. And we at 10Fotos are very curious to see where his journey will take him. One thing is for sure: he will share his journey with us with breathtaking and atmospheric landscapes.

Stefano's photography is a great medium for his creativity. Through this hobby, the likable photographer, who has been meditating for years to relax, finds peace and a perfect balance to everyday stress. He writes about it himself: "The love of natural landscapes creates the perfect habitat for an inner search. I've been practicing meditation for years and photography is very similar to it, because it also requires awareness, attention, and love."

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10Photos says: The balance and love are unmistakable in Stefano's images. The moods in his landscapes are defined by wonderful light and balanced colours. Stefano's photos are also characterised by a harmonious overall impression, from the foreground to the subject and background. Nothing is left to chance, this is composition at its best and we at 10Fotos love it.

More pictures of Stefano can be found on Instagram – @stefano_balma.
