
Julia Redl

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Colors, shapes and sounds have always fascinated and accompanied the creative part of my life, be it in the handling of textiles and the design of garments during my training as a tailor, as well as when making music with my violin and for several years now in landscape photography, which I have discovered and learned to love during my travels for me. Accordingly, I can hardly get enough of seeing and hearing the scenery.

I think our world is very full. Full of things, full of noise, full of people, full of cars and streets, full of stress. I am searching for landscapes and conditions to find emptiness and silence, I don t want to show the landscape that is destroyed by humans or where you can see the influence of man on the landscape. To show the beauty of untouched nature and landscapes in a minimal and calm way is my goal. Therefore a lot of my picture are blue. Blue symbolizes peace. Perhaps some people are feeling this while looking at my pictures.

[Text Julia Redl]

10Photo says: Just as Julia can't get enough of landscapes, we can't get enough of your emotive and atmospheric images. They indeed radiate a calm, even peace, which we desperately need and rarely find anymore. Thank you very much dear Julia for many wonderful moments and gentle thoughts.

More pictures and info of this extraordinary photographer can be found on her website www.juliaredl.de as well as on Instagram @allessoschoen_bunt, Facebook @julia.redlfreigang, Vero @allessoschoen_bunt and Twitter #juliaredl1.