
Frank Neßlage

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Frank Neßlage is a well-known people and nude photographer from Quakenbrück in the district of Osnabrück in Lower Saxony, with a photo studio in Bremen, where he can be found on fixed dates. Otherwise he travels for his clients in Germany and all over the world. In the 35th anniversary edition of Playboy, he was honoured as one of the 35 most important photographers in the world.

He began his professional career in 1994 with an apprenticeship at Studio Seekamp, which he completed as the Bremen state winner and third national winner. The promotion of his talent allowed him to travel to Malta, Colombia and Los Angeles and awakened his spirit of discovery. Since then he has travelled to many countries including China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, various European countries, Greenland, Jamaica, Peru and several times to the USA.

His belief that "travel teaches you" has been instrumental in his development as an experienced photographer. Despite his passion for travel, he likes to quote Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz "There's no place like home" and is always happy to return to his roots and his clients.

Frank's photographic philosophy has changed over the years. He used to be inspired by Van Gogh and tried to express emotions and feelings in his art. Today he looks more to Van Dyck as he finds it easier to express emotions in photography. His passion is to show people at their best and highlight their beauty. Unlike Peter Lindbergh, who said that "there is nothing more boring than a smile in a photograph", Frank believes that nothing captures the viewer's heart more than a radiant smile that reflects genuine joy in the eyes.

[ Text 10Photos, based on information from Frank Neßlage's website ]

10Photos says: Among other things, it's Frank's versatility that inspires us. Sometimes the photos are provocatively different, sometimes sensually beautiful or wittily creative. Colourful 'explosions' alternate with brilliant black and white work. Frank's wealth of ideas is enormous and the results are correspondingly multi-layered. This makes him difficult to pigeonhole. He is equally at home with fashion and sensual nudes. In addition to this diversity, the quality of the images is also fascinating. The details in the photographs harmonise perfectly with the overall concept. Nothing seems to be left to chance. Absolutely stunning!

For more information and pictures of Frank Neßlage, please visit his website www.nessi-pictures.com, Facebook @Nessipictures and his YouTube channel.


Necessary note on the subject of "buttocks and breasts" on the Internet: Dear young visitor. If you are not yet 16 years old, unfortunately you are not allowed to view these artistic and sensual photos. Please leave this site now. Alternatively you can go to a public swimming pool, there you will surely find enough women with naked torso. Or look at the lightly clothed girls on the billboards in the city. That is also allowed. Not here! Please close your eyes immediately and scream for help ...