
Uwe Friedrich

Uwe Friedrich, born in 1965 and now living near Erlangen, is a versatile people photographer with an impressive professional career. He holds a Master of Arts in Audiovisual Media, German Studies and Psychology. His passion for the visual led him to work for many years as a cameraman for independent productions and renowned broadcasters such as ARD and ZDF.

Over the course of his career, Uwe broadened his scope to include food photography. He worked as a food photographer for celebrity chef Armin Rossmeier and supplied images for books and magazines such as "Gourmet Kitchen for Allergics", "Delicious and Good Cooking" and "Gourmet Kitchen".

Today, Uwe's photographic focus is on portraiture and boudoir. His preference is mainly, but not exclusively, for black and white photography. He has a pragmatic view of the photographer's role. He is concerned with recognising and capturing the visual power of the subject. Where this is lacking, it is his job to create it. For Uwe, style is not a complicated formula, but the result of the artist's awareness and expressiveness. His paintings are characterised by a clear pictorial aesthetic that appeals to the viewer on a personal level.

The use of light and shadow is a key factor in Uwe's photography. He uses these elements skilfully to create depth and drama. He believes that beauty is relative and depends not only on the subject and the artist, but also on the viewer. Therefore, Uwe tries to create beauty in his images by evoking emotions when looking at them.

He is aware that there is only one fleeting moment in which everything must be expressed - the fraction of a second in which the image is created. This moment is the essence of his art, the ability to capture and hold the right moment.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: "In a world where photography can often seem superficial, Uwe Friedrich brings a pragmatic yet positive and refreshingly creative perspective to people photography. With his unique style and connection to art, he creates expressive images that not only evoke strong emotions in the viewer, but also leave a lasting impression. His photographs inspire with their extraordinary combination of technical sophistication, aesthetic beauty and emotional depth. They often have the ability to captivate and touch us emotionally. In our opinion: Breathtaking art!

For more images, artwork and information on Uwe Friedrich, please visit his website www.uwefriedrich.de and Instagram @gestern_war_anders.


Necessary note on the subject of "buttocks and breasts" on the Internet: Dear young visitor. If you are not yet 16 years old, unfortunately you are not allowed to view these artistic and sensual photos. Please leave this site now. Alternatively you can go to a public swimming pool, there you will surely find enough women with naked torso. Or look at the lightly clothed girls on the billboards in the city. That is also allowed. Not here! Please close your eyes immediately and scream for help ...


Models in this gallery

Mia Shy (@miss_mia.shy)
Iryna (@irynaberdnyk)
Katrina (@katrina_model)

Other models: Infinity Li, Karina, KC