
Tanja Diez Tabares

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Tanja Diez Tabares is a photographer based in Düsseldorf, Germany. Her passion is portrait photography, because Tanja finds it incredibly fascinating to capture the personality and uniqueness of a person in a picture. Every person has their own story, and she wants to show it.

When Tanja committed herself to photography, she had no idea what an incredible journey she was about to embark on. A journey that has changed her outlook and creativity to an unprecedented degree. She came to photography late in life, but very quickly learned to perceive and recognize the surrounding people in a new way. A fact of great importance for a portrait photographer.

Tanja is self-taught and continues to develop. She experiments with techniques and perspectives to achieve the best possible image effect. However, the most important thing for her is to capture people in their most beautiful moments and to capture emotions in photographs.

Tanja's background is in medicine, which doesn't seem to have much to do with photography, but she aptly says: "I think my experience in dealing with people and my empathy as a portrait photographer serve me well. Each person is unique and I try to express that in my images. I'm grateful to have discovered this passion and hope to tell many more exciting stories with my photos.

[ Text Tanja Diez Tabares and 10Photos ]

10Fotos meint: Tanja, wir sehen und genießen deine gefühlvollen und emotionalen Bilder, wir sehen die Geschichten darin und wir glauben, nein, wir wissen, dass du noch viele Geschichten erzählen wirst und wir freuen uns und sind gespannt darauf. Vielen Dank für deine wunderbaren visuellen "Erzählungen".

More photos and information about this artist are available on her website and blog www.tdt-photography.com as well as on Instagram @t_d_t_photography and Pinterest @TDTPhotography.



People in this gallery:

(Ralf Schilberg) - Ralf
(@tdario_t80) - Dario
(@sansanturbo) - Sandro
(@visual.percy) - Percy
(@ro_jims) - Roger

Esther - (@esther__l_)
Adriana - (@adrycy)
Bine - (@13bi_ne)
Rey - (@rs_training)
Percy - (@visual.percy)

Ralf (Ralf Schilberg)
Dario (@tdario_t80)
Sandro (@sansanturbo)
Percy (@visual.percy)
Roger (@ro_jims)
Esther - (@esther__l_)
Adriana - (@adrycy) und
Bine - (@13bi_ne)
Rey - (@rs_training)
Percy - (@visual.percy)

Titelbild: Esther - (@esther__l_)