
Robert Christ

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The Upper Palatinate photographer Robert Christ shows us on 10Fotos images in the field of reduced and experimental photography. For image composition, Robert likes to use long exposures and unusual angles. His work has already received several awards. His latest award is the Culture Award of the District of Upper Palatinate (2022). [ Link ]

Robert about his photography:

A photograph is always a snapshot. So taking a picture is the apparent result of stopping time. To freeze this, so to speak, and thus the attempt to preserve it.

In times of digitalization and hectic activity, we experience a constant overload of stimuli. Very few people take the time to look at something not just in passing or in passing, but fully and with all their senses.

This rushing and running prevent us from recognizing what is essential. Time to pause, time to reflect, time to meet others, but also time to meet ourselves is becoming increasingly important.

Photographs illustrate the transience of moments. Some opportunities only come once in life. You let them pass or not. It is up to us to use our time wisely.

[Text Robert Christ]

We think: A wonderful text. Yes, many chances we have already missed, many chances we will probably still miss, no matter how hard we try. But one thing is for sure, Robert's pictures open up new chances, new ideas, new insights for us. We are very happy to be able to show his exciting snapshots here and enjoy the moment of viewing.

More pictures and information from Robert Christ can be found here:

Website: www.robert-christ.de
Facebook: #RCFineArtPhoto
Instagram: @robertchrist.fine.art.photo
Last photo exhibition in 360 degrees: https://app.cloudpano.com/tours/m_10qTMmy
