
Frank Langheim

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Frank Langheim is a passionate macro and nature photographer from Bielefeld, Germany, whose journey into the hidden world of small things began in 2012. He had been fascinated by this special type of photography for a long time and it was only a matter of time before he caught the "virus" of macro photography. Even today he often gets up "in the middle of the night" to be on the meadow at sunrise, when most insects are still in a state of torpor. This gives him enough time to find the perfect orientation and to optimise the composition of the image.

For Frank, creative nature photography is not just a hobby, but an expression of his personal taste and a way to fully realise his creativity. It is his way of capturing the beauty and diversity of nature with his camera and sharing it with others.

Frank believes that the true beauty of nature is often in the small and hidden, in the fine details and small wonders that are often overlooked. His aim is to make this hidden splendour visible, to inspire the viewer to see nature with new eyes and to appreciate and protect its uniqueness. He sees in every creature, no matter how small, and in every inconspicuous plant its own story, its own form of beauty to be discovered and honoured.

[ Text 10Photos, based on information from Frank Langheim ]

10Photos says: On the one hand it is the many details in Frank's macro shots that inspire us, on the other hand it is the creative, artistic nature of his photography. The play with sharpness and blur, the beautiful composition and the fantastic bokeh ensure that his macro shots are much more than just documentary. They are images that transport the viewer to a fairytale world full of small wonders.

See more pictures on Frank's website www.franklangheim.de and Instagram @frala_66.
