
Andreas Kolossa

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Andreas Kolossa has been fascinated by the world of butterflies since his youth. Even then, he tried to capture their beauty with one of the first pocket cameras - with moderate success. This changed in 1984 with the purchase of his first SLR camera. From then on, not only the quality of his images improved, but also his passion for photography.

In the years that followed, Andreas continued to struggle with the disadvantages of analog photography, including the high cost of developing his images. However, the advent of digital SLR cameras opened up new possibilities. Switching to the Canon 60D in 2003 allowed him to make a seamless transition to digital photography and gave him the freedom to edit and manage his images on the computer.

With the purchase of a professional full-frame camera in 2013 and an impressive selection of macro and wide-angle lenses, Andreas has found the perfect tools to pursue his passion for nature photography. However, he emphasizes that the equipment alone is not the value of a photograph - it is the unique moment that makes each image special.

Andreas is still driven by his love of nature, especially the local butterflies. He is supported by his wife, who is also interested in his hobby and has already made some butterfly friends. Each of his photos tells its own story, captured moments and little anecdotes that reflect his passion for nature photography.

Andreas Kolossa hopes that his pictures and his enthusiasm for nature photography will inspire others to take up this wonderful hobby.

[ Text 10Photos, based on information from Andreas Kolossa's website ]

10Photos says: Rarely have we seen such brilliant and varied macro shots of butterflies. That alone makes us marvel. Andreas not only "captures" rare specimens, but does so in a creative and varied way. While his butterfly photos are undoubtedly something to rave about, he also finds the right words in his book to make it much easier for the reader to photograph these unique insects. Of course, there are also fascinating photos and many useful tips.

Photographer and book author (Schmetterlinge – so gelingen faszinierende Fotos) Andreas Kolossa.
"Discovering and experiencing nature is like a dream that comes true". Information about this unique book (and others) can be found here: Books by Andreas Kolossa.

For more information and pictures of Andreas Kolossa, please visit his website at andreaskolossa.de, Facebook and Instagram.
