
Andreas Bartoldus

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When Andreas Bartoldus first saw the majestic white storks in his home country in 2007, he was hooked. He was fascinated by these beautiful birds and determined to photograph them. Thus began his journey into the world of nature photography.

In the beginning, Andreas focused mainly on bird photography, spending hours watching the animals and studying their movements to catch the perfect moment for a photo. But over time, he realized that other aspects of nature were interesting as well.

His urge to discover the beauty of nature in all its details and to photograph it became stronger and stronger.

So he became more and more interested in macro photography. He was fascinated by the beauty in detail - be it a tiny flower or a small insect. Andreas began to adapt his equipment accordingly and spent more and more time photographing these small wonders of nature.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: Andreas was one of the first contributors to 10Photos and we are delighted that he is supporting this project with his atmospheric and brilliantly colored macro shots. It is not only the fantastic quality of his photos that inspires us, but also the harmonious interplay of subject and background. Andreas impressively shows us how fascinating and diverse macro photography can be. Thank you very much, Andreas!

More pictures of Andreas can be found on his Instagram account @starkey_naturfotos.
