
Bernie Rothauer

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Born and living in Salzburg/Austria, Bernie Rothauer (stage name ôbaxé_arts) has made artistic creation his purpose in life. He is a full-time musician (percussion, guitar), and specialist in ethnic rhythms from West Africa, Brazil, and Cuba. He supports and coaches other musicians* in their productions in his recording studio. He shoots music videos and translates messages into images.

In the medium of photography, Bernie devotes himself to different subject areas such as nude, portrait, and architecture. Especially the portrait field allows him to enter into a deep connection with the person in front of the camera, one that needs no words. "The eyes are the gateway to the soul."

[ Text Bernie Rothauer ]

For more from Bernie Rothauer, check out his website: www.obaxe-music.com

Bernie is a passionate full-blooded artist, which you can undoubtedly see in his expressive photos. No mainstream art, but emotional photography with a pleasant portion of sensuality. We are very happy about the participation at 10Photos.