
Uwe Steffens

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Uwe Steffens lives and works in Hamburg, Germany. His love of nature led him to become a gardener in 1976, and since 1980 to the camera more and more often. Photography became his hobby. Numerous mountain tours in the Alps and expeditions to the high mountains of the world opened up the world of landscape photography to him. His "mountaineering career" took him from the Indian Garhwal Himalayas, where the 7120 metre Trisul was the highest peak he reached, to the Karakoram and the Andes, where the continent lay at his feet on America's highest mountain, Aconcagua.

The hobby became a profession in 1997 when he trained as a media designer to get a taste of the "professional media air". Since 2003 he has worked as a freelance photographer for ARD and publishers such as Weingarten, Heye, Eiland, Harenberg and others. In 2007 his book "Mythical Schleswig-Holstein" was published by Eiland. The 240-page book with pictures and texts tells the sagas of the land between the seas in a contemporary revision and presents the regions in photos and texts. The 2nd edition is now out of print. As a media designer, I was well placed not only to provide the texts and photos, but also to design the layout. His North Sea calendar is also published annually by Athesia-Weingarten.

Today his photographic focus is on the German coastline and the fantastic landscapes of Iceland, never losing sight of the small details.

[ Text Uwe Steffens ]

10Photos says: Uwe's photos captivate with their naturalness. No highly cultivated photos that have fallen into the color pot. They show nature in its best light, in its uniqueness and wonderful diversity.

Spannend und wunderschön sind auch seine Makros und abstrakten Strukturen, die neben fantastischen Landschaftsaufnahmen auf seinem sehenswerten YouTube-Kanal "steffens photographie" zu finden sind. Wer mehr von Uwe hören möchte, für den gibt es auf SoundCloud unter "stefo Musik" auch was für die Ohren.

Uwe Steffens on YouTube: "steffens photographie" and SoundCloud: "stefo Musik"
