
Jens Gerlach

Jens Gerlach is a passionate wedding and people photographer from Saarbrücken, Germany, with an exceptional blend of creativity and artistic ambition. His style gives his images an unmistakable flavour and captures the essence of special moments.

Since 2013, he has dedicated himself to portraying people authentically and true to their character. He is particularly inspired by people outside the modelling industry, as he knows that 'normal' people act more naturally in front of the camera and are less inclined to pretend than professional models.

The key to his powerful portraits is building trust between photographer and subject. Jens creates a relaxed atmosphere in which people can step out of their comfort zone and show themselves as they really are. He organises his shoots like a get-together with friends - characterised by conversations about all sorts of things, rarely about photography. However, he and the model are often inspired by other photographers' books. For Jens, the right moment for a photo is often when the model is thinking about herself or the pose, because then he finds the naturalness he wants to capture.

With a mathematical approach and a study of ancient painting techniques, Jens initially applied photographic rules logically. However, he quickly realised that true quality lies in the transmission of emotion, not in a rigid adherence to rules.

Jens' approach to photography has changed over time - away from the pure search for the perfect image and towards a deeper interest in the people in front of his lens. The pressure to achieve perfect results has diminished, leaving room for spontaneous, unadulterated shots full of emotion.

Another striking feature of Jens' work is the minimal amount of retouching. At a time when many photographers focus on flawless images, he emphasises the importance of portraying people with all their imperfections. His photographs swim against the tide of social media, focusing on highlighting the individual beauty of each person rather than creating unrealistic ideals of beauty.

[ Text 10Photos, based on an interview by Jens Gerlach ]

10Photos says: Jens Gerlach's images fascinate with their unadulterated authenticity and ability to capture genuine emotions. His artistic approach, his breaking of conventional posing patterns and his emphasis on originality and naturalness create images that immediately touch and captivate the viewer. Jens' minimalist approach to retouching and his focus on the beauty of imperfection make his photographs a unique and inspiring portrayal of the human character. When we look at his photographs, we are often amazed at the powerful effect they have on us. This is photographic art at its best!

Find more pictures and information from Jens Gerlach on Instagram @jensmachtkunst and Facebook.



People in this gallery:

Cover picture Kira (@kirimohr)