
Dmitry Baev

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When 10Fotos was launched at the beginning of 2021, we didn't realise how enormously (!) diverse, varied and creative photography can be. Let's take portrait photography as an example. A beautiful, expressive female or male face and good light are often the only "ingredients" for a great photo.

Yes, that's (often) all it takes, but then you find photographers like Dmitry Baev and realise that creative photography exists off the beaten track. Luckily! Photography as a different art form, unique, unusual and exciting. Dmitry shows us all this in his photographs.

Ukrainian portrait photographer Dmitry Baev from Odesa wrote about his photos: “For me, photography is a kind of feeling, not a technique. The essence is the emotional substance and not color, composition, or form. Technical means and elements can only enhance the emotional reaction.”

His passion for Dutch painting and for Impressionism greatly influence Dmitry’s images. With smooth transitions between depths and highlights and muted colors, his photos almost resemble finely painted works of art. Emotional and atmospheric images, widely different from the classic portrait photography, are the result.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: "Refreshingly different and beautiful to look at. Dmitry impressively demonstrates how closely classical art and photography can be linked. Dutch painting and impressionism come alive in his sensitive and unique images. Dmitry's love of detail is evident in his photographs and the viewer is taken on a journey of discovery into the past of art. Fantastic!

For more from artist Dmitry Baev, check out Instagram @baevfoto and his website www.baevfoto.com.ua.
