
Holger Schweden

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Holger Schweden was born in Bensheim in 1972 and has lived in Heppenheim an der Bergstraße ever since. His passion for photography began in 2007 and has been with him ever since.

He specialises in nature photography, especially macro photography. Insects, especially butterflies, are Holger's favourite subjects. The intricacy and colourfulness of these small creatures never ceases to fascinate him. But the nature photographer is also fascinated by larger flying artists. Especially in winter, when nature is at rest, Holger is drawn out with his telephoto lens to capture the local birds.

For Holger, photography is not only a hobby but also a perfect balance to his working life. With his Olympus system camera and various lenses with focal lengths up to 1000mm, he immerses himself in the world of images. The flexibility and quality of this equipment allows him to capture the diversity and beauty of nature in stunning photographs.

An amiable nature lover and photographer, he enjoys observing and capturing the small wonders of nature through his lens. His love of photography and wildlife is reflected in the precision of his creative shots, which invite the viewer to discover the world from a new perspective and in an unexpected blaze of colour.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: "Holger's photos inspire us with their high quality. Strong and clear colours that are not exaggerated or artificial make the images look very natural. His photos document our local wildlife, especially butterflies and birds, in a fantastic way. Holger clearly shows us that nature photography is anything but boring and that small insects or simple songbirds are often unnoticed but beautiful creatures. Once again it is clear that the protection of our environment must not be neglected in order to preserve these wonders.

More info about the photographer can be found on the website www.holger-schweden.de or on Instagram.
