
Andreas Puhl

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Andreas Puhl is a passionate nude and portrait photographer with the goal of perfecting his art at the highest level. Born in the 60s near Hannover, he moved to Cologne in 1990 for love, where he still lives and works today. Although he always had a camera with him as a child and teenager, he discovered his passion for photography late in life.

With the purchase of a Nikon D70 in 2004, Andreas' desire to take really presentable photos grew. The possibilities of digital photography fascinated him and he began to learn the necessary technical and creative basics.

Starting in the fall of 2005, Andreas was offered the opportunity to shoot in an improvised photo studio in the editorial offices of a photo magazine. He used this opportunity to further develop and perfect his skills. At first he limited himself to flash techniques in the studio, later he experimented with continuous light and finally with natural light. This excited him so much that he opened his own photo studio in January 2007 and decided to give up his learned profession for photography.

For Andreas, photography is much more than just taking pictures. It gives him the opportunity to express emotions, meet people, and see the world from a different perspective. His images don’t just show what he sees, but what he wants to see. This is an important part of his creativity. Andreas is not interested in artificially altering the photos with software, but rather in emphasizing and enhancing the existing beauty and showing real feelings. The result is beautiful and emotional photographs.

[ Text Andreas Puhl and 10Photos ]

10Photos says: Andreas writes on the "About me" page of his website: "Photography for me is more than just taking a picture, it influences my whole way of thinking and living". You can tell right away that this is a passionate, full-blooded photographer at work. And you can see it in his breathtaking images. Andreas asked us to help him with the selection for this gallery. Sure, was our first thought, this will be quick. Wrong thought! Two days later we had a pre-selection of over 30 photos together. This clearly shows what a fantastic portfolio Andreas has. It was hard work for us, but a lot of fun*. Thank you Andreas for participating in 10Photos with such impressive images.

More fantastic photos of many models, including excellent nudes, can be found on Andreas' website www.andreaspuhl.de and Instagram @andreaspuhl.


Necessary note on the subject of "buttocks and breasts" on the Internet: Dear young visitor. If you are not yet 16 years old, unfortunately you are not allowed to view these artistic and sensual photos. Please leave this site now. Alternatively you can go to a public swimming pool, there you will surely find enough women with naked torso. Or look at the lightly clothed girls on the billboards in the city. That is also allowed. Not here! Please close your eyes immediately and scream for help ...

Model Irina Lozovaya @aireenel_2


*) Unfortunately, we couldn't decide together either, so Andreas suggested that we limit ourselves to one model. This is something new for 10Photos and we liked it right away. The "reduction" to one person shows how much ingenuity and creativity is in this photographer. The enchanting Irina (@aireenel_2) now adorns this gallery page with ten sensual images.