
Ute Keuter & Tom Bruckmann

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Ute Keuter and Tom Bruckmann are a photographer couple from Essen, Germany, who share not only their personal lives but also their passion for photography. Since 2014, photography has been more than just a hobby for them - it's a constant journey of personal and creative development. As well as shooting together, they spend every spare minute learning and improving their photography skills. Along the way, they have met many inspiring people who have significantly influenced their journey.

Since 2018, Ute and Tom have focused on portrait photography, although they also love other genres such as architecture, travel and sports photography. But working with people is particularly important to them. Inspired by renowned photographers such as Alessandro Di Cicco and Marco Gressler, they have developed their own photographic philosophy and style.

For Ute and Tom, a successful shoot means capturing the personality of the person in the picture and making sure that everyone involved likes the result. For them, communication between photographer and model is the basis for a successful shoot and high quality results.

For Ute and Tom, image editing is an essential part of the creative process. However, they are particularly concerned with the authenticity and naturalness of their photographs. Retouching and optimisation are important and essential to Ute and Tom, but the editing must not change the core message of the images. They believe that emotions should be photographed, not digitally added.

[ Text 10Photos based on information provided by Ute Keuter and Tom Bruckmann ]

10Photos says: Ute and Tom not only have the talent to photograph people aesthetically, they also know how to capture the personality of their subjects in their images. While many photographers just take pretty pictures, Ute and Tom manage to bring the person behind the lens to life. Their photographs show a special sensitivity and a deep understanding of their subjects. The result is fascinating and sometimes sensual images that impress and touch.

You can find more pictures and information from Ute and Tom on their YouTube channel @TomUteFotografie and Instagram @tomutefotografie.



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