
Julia Lehmann

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Julia Lehmann comes from North Rhine-Westphalia and has been living in Thuringia since 2013, where she works as a people photographer specialising in fantasy photography. Angels, fairies and other fairytale characters are her favourite subjects and her motto is: "Dream, experience and remember your fantasy". Her fantastic and mystical images stimulate the viewer's imagination in a very special way.

Since her childhood, Julia has immersed herself in a fantastic world, which she has preserved and expressed in her paintings. Occasionally she has lived out this fantasy in the LARP scene, where she has made many valuable friendships. Note: Live Action Role Playing (LARP) is a form of gaming in which participants physically embody their characters. It combines elements of pen and paper role-playing with improvisational theatre.

Julia has been working as a photographer since 2012 and has continued to develop her skills. Since the beginning of 2020, she has been working intensively with Photoshop and has now mastered all the techniques necessary to create her fantasy worlds. But learning never stops for this experimental artist, who sees improvement as a spur to new creativity.

Julia sees herself less as a photographer and more as a photo artist and playmaker. She puts her heart and soul into every creative process, whether in front of or behind the camera. She is not afraid to sew and tinker to bring her ideas to life and is only satisfied when it is perfect for everyone involved. This determination is evident in her images.

What makes Julia's work so special is her very empathetic approach to her clients. Many come to her to come to terms with their past. In long conversations she listens to their stories, the difficult, the moving and the happy. Julia's images should not only be beautiful, they should also tell of these experiences and transport the viewer to other worlds or awaken their own memories.

A constant source of inspiration for the likeable photographer is a small, ten-centimetre glass sphere, which she likes to use to combine reality and fantasy in her images. The result is creative photographs of surreal worlds.

Julia regularly exhibits her work and also sells prints on request. She believes that images should be exhibited in the real world to appeal to people who are not online. We agree with her that a printed image has a much greater impact on the viewer than a photo on a screen or even a smartphone.

[ Text 10Photos, based on information provided by Julia Lehmann ]

10Photos says: Julia Lehmann's unique works are a fascinating interplay of creative vision and sensitive staging. As a photographic artist, she playfully creates surreal worlds that captivate the viewer and inspire their own fantasies. Her photographs tell stories of the past and dreams, combining reality and imagination in a powerful way. Through her empathetic approach to her models, Julia creates a unique connection between art and the viewer that goes far beyond the image and leaves a lasting impression. Fantastic - in every way.

Find more images and art by Julia Lehmann on Instagram @geflatterfotoart.
