
Jakob Sahner

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Jakob Sahner, a young astrophotographer from southern Germany, born just after the turn of the millennium on the edge of the Black Forest, has dedicated himself to the fascinating photography of the night sky. What began with a chance click on a YouTube video about astrophotography quickly developed into a passion that has been a big part of his life since 2017.

Although he initially had no connection with astrophotography, he was captivated by his first encounter with the art form. Since then, Jakob has not only gained a lot of experience, but has also visited breathtaking places - from Iceland, with its often colourful skies, to the Alps and the Canary Island of La Palma, with its ideal conditions. And his journey has only just begun - many places and their skies are still waiting to be captured by his camera.

In addition to Milky Way photography, his work focuses on the particularly challenging deep sky photography. What excites Jakob so much is the opportunity to use his camera to discover things that remain hidden to the naked eye. The Milky Way itself, the gas clouds and nebulae where stars are born and die, distant galaxies - he captures all these phenomena in stunning colour* and clarity. Jakob is particularly fascinated by the view into the past. Because light from the depths of the universe often takes millions of years to reach Earth, his images show the sky as it once was. Each photograph is a journey through time and space.

He also enjoys the technical aspects of astrophotography. For classic Milky Way images, a normal camera will do, but for deep sky images Jakob uses special equipment. A telescope, various filters, a main camera and a secondary camera - for precise tracking - and other gear are used to create the perfect image. The equipment required is complex and long - a sign of the dedication and technical expertise that goes into each of his works.

In addition to photography, Jakob shares his knowledge and enthusiasm on his own YouTube channel. There he gives insights into his working methods and offers helpful tutorials for those interested in astrophotography. If you would like to see some of Jakob's stunning images in print, you can find calendars and prints in his online shop. He also offers workshops in German and English, which provide in-depth knowledge of image processing. In 2025, Jakob will publish the book 'Faszination Astrofotografie – Grundlagen, Projekte, Meisterstücke', which he co-authored with three other photographers

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: Jakob Sahner's astrophotos are of a stunning quality that hardly suggests they were taken by an ambitious photography enthusiast. However, his work is not only impressive for its technical brilliance and precise depiction of the night sky, but also for the integration of earthly motifs in the foreground. Whether people, buildings or the surrounding natural world, these elements give his images a special depth and link the unknown vastness of the universe to the world we know. We see landscapes in the light of the stars and experience them in a new and exciting way. This is astrophotography at its highest - literally celestial - level.

More pictures and information about Jakob Sahner can be found on his website, Instagram as well as on Astrobin and YouTube. If you would like to support the sympathetic photographer and his work, you can do so on his Patreon page.



*) Some viewers may wonder why Jakob's images of the Milky Way and gas clouds are so colourful, even though the night sky appears black and white to the naked eye. The colours are created by long exposure times, during which the camera collects light for minutes or hours. Our eyes are less sensitive to colour in low light, which is why the sky usually appears colourless to us. But the camera amplifies and makes visible the faint colours of stars and gas clouds in the galactic disc, such as the red of hydrogen nebulae or the blue of young stars. Special filters also help to enhance the light in certain wavelength ranges. Jakob often combines images taken with different filters.