
Frank Lübke

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In the vibrant art and culture scenes of Munich and Berlin, there is a name that has made a name for himself with his unusual and creative approach to photography: Frank Lübke. He has made a name for himself nationally and internationally as a renowned people photographer, working for magazines, advertising agencies, companies and private individuals.

A particular highlight of Frank's career was undoubtedly the photo series "My Beloved Me", which was published in the renowned Stern magazine in 2017. This captivating series is based on his photographic project "Me, Myself and I", which he has been working on since 2010. In this series, the people portrayed are confronted with their "other selves", leading to fascinating and often surprising results.

Since the project's inception, seventy celebrities have been immortalised in front of Frank Lübke's lens, each image telling a unique story about the complexity of the human self. The series even won a GoSee Silver Medal in 2017 and was featured in the prestigious international Leica LFI magazine, further underlining its importance and recognition in the photography scene.

Frank's work is characterised not only by technical finesse, but also by his ability to capture the emotional depth of his models, giving them a platform to present themselves in unexpected ways. His images are often a reflection of the human soul, and his sensitive staging creates photographs that are both aesthetically pleasing and profound.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: At a time when self-reflection and self-discovery are becoming increasingly important, Frank Lübke's work offers a fascinating insight into the complexity of the human condition. With his unique photographic eye, he brings to light the hidden sides of the self and encourages us to reflect on our own identity. With each image, he reminds us that we are all more than the sum of our parts, but a multitude of facets waiting to be discovered. We are thrilled by the complexity and creativity of his work and are delighted to introduce you to this very special photographer.

For more information and pictures of Frank Lübke, please visit his website frank-luebke-photography.com, Instagram @frank_luebke_photography, Facebook @fluebke and Flickr.
